Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hi guys! I’m Madeline White (though just call me Maddie). I’m very happy to be part of ELP and to get to know you guys this quarter! Here at SCU, I am a Spanish major, which I am planning to combine with something else, although I don’t know what yet.  I chose my Spanish because I grew up in a community with a predominantly Hispanic population, which allowed me to study Spanish since I first started attending school and gain a lot of knowledge about the surrounding culture.  Therefore, continuing the exploring something important to me made perfect sense!

I come from a small town in Monterey County called Greenfield, California, which is about two hours from here.  My sister Emilie is actually a recent alumnus of SCU, which is one of the initial things that drew me to this beautiful school.  Santa Clara served her well, because she is now happily attending grad school!

As you may be able to tell from the web address of this blog, I am a massive Harry Potter fan. I am also a fan of other geek phenomenon, such as Sherlock, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, etc.  If any of you guys are also fans of any of these, I am always up for a chat about them.

One of my strongest passions is performing on any type of stage.  I love bringing a character completely different from me to life.  Although it doesn’t come as easily to me, I also like singing, because music can send a great message.  Ultimately, I like being part of anything that involves telling a story. I am definitely planning to continue being involved in theater at Santa Clara, as well as exploring new passions.

In my spare time, I also like reading, watching movies, writing, spending time with family and friends, going for walks (especially along the beach) and more!

Can’t wait to read blog posts and learn more about you guys soon!


I attached a few pictures underneath.

1. My sister and I on a walk at Point Lobos
2. Me Writing
3. My Parents at the Grand Canyon


  1. Hey Maddie!

    Huge "Sherlock" fan over here- can't wait for the next season, but we've been waiting too long for it!

    I think it's really great that you are following in your sister's path. What did she major in, and what is she doing in grad school?

    Also, I think that you are so lucky to have been exposed to Spanish at such a young age and that you are continuing that here. Have you thought about studying abroad in a country where they speak Spanish? Are you interested in learning new languages as well?

    I can't wait to see you take the stage in a theater production at some point during our SCU career!

    See you on Wednesday!

  2. Hey Maddie:)

    First I have to say that I'm super pumped to be in our EL class together. I can't wait to learn more about you. I love the reasoning behind your Spanish major, very genuine, and I think it's great that both you and your sister will be sharing the Santa Clara experience.

    Second, I absolutely love Harry Potter too! My mom would ground me after finding me reading under the covers. Did you ever get in trouble for things like that?

    Also, what kind of writing do you like to do? I would love it if I ever got the chance to read more of it (aside from the weekly blog posts that are to come).

  3. Maddie, thanks for sharing. I am also a very big Harry Potter fan, both the books and the movies, and all the random trivia that goes along with it. I really do believe HP helps to define our generation, as something we grew up with. What type of stage performances do you like to do? Musicals, drama, one-acts, comedies, dance? Definitely a great community here at SCU for you to be able to take part of. Looking forward to getting to know you better through your blogs and class!
