Friday, October 16, 2015

Event Blog 1: Pizza, Passion, and Minimum Wage

On Wednesday, I went to the Pizza, Passion, and the Minimum Wage Presentation at Lucas Hall. Initially, I was not sure what to expect, but it turned out to be even better than I expected. Chuck Hammers began by telling us the story of how his start-up pizza place led to him being CEO of Pizza My Heart.  The way he told it made me respect While his story was inspiring, it made me think about my father, who is also an entrepreneur and has run his own insurance business for years.  He started and built up his business on his own, so I have always been proud of him, but this was a wonderful reminder of how hard he has worked to continuously run a successful. 

The primary issue Hammers discussed was the raising of minimum wage.  Ultimately, he clearly has mixed feelings about it, but I do too.  On the financial statistics end, there are both advantages and disadvantages of minimum wage.  But, on an emotional end, coming from an area where many people struggle financially, I am extremely for it. Those who work from minimum wage job, especially long term, are hard workers who need to be able to support themselves in a changing world.

The other aspect of Hammers’ presentation that particularly left an impression on me was his discussion of how much public relations affects a business.  When the minimum wage debate hit the Bay Area, Hammers did an interview in which he purposely tried not to take a public stance on the issue.  This negatively affected his business.  Therefore, he rose all of his workers’ wages to above minimum wage.  As a result, once a decision had been made about raising minimum wage in the area, his business activity rose when his decision became more public.  I had not quite put together how much one decision can make or break a business, which gave me a greater appreciation for entrepreneurs. All in all, even though I do not see myself going into business, Chuck Hammers gave me a great appreciation for all those who do.


  1. Hey Madeline! I went to the same event and I definitely resonate with your feelings on the subject and I really appreciate your thought about the discussion as Chuck Hammers also challenged me in what I know about the minimum wage. Thanks so much for your input!

  2. Hey Madeline!

    I love that you connected Chuck with your dad. He just gives off the fatherly vibe.

    Points of the talk that I liked was his talk on the intangibles of business and overall, life. Making a point to not say no, sticking to one's values, and helping out no matter what really make a difference in the long run even though the effects cannot be measured in any books or records. The little things done to make life better make return customers which brings in more money and makes the world a little bit better. I value doing the small, unappreciated things in order to make everything better, so he really hit some points that resonated with me

    His thoughts on minimum wage taught me about the actual disadvantages of raising the minimum wage. I was all rah rah about it, but now, it is something that should be a point of discussion if the repercussions outweigh the benefits.

    I loved the irony of a chemist going into the pizza business, so never count business out of your life, Madeline!

  3. Hi Madeline!

    I attended the same event and I found his story really inspiring too. It is great to see how listening to his story made you appreciate entrepreneurs even more and reminded how hard your dad worked over the years.

    Minimum wage was definitely a sensitive issue to handle for Hammers. Even though the media misunderstood his views on the topic, I believe he handled the issue amazingly. I think the way he handles such issue is what makes him and his business successful.

    It was great reading about it. See you in class!
